“Didn’t ruin it, but wasn’t a required ingredient either.”
“Didn’t ruin it, but wasn’t a required ingredient either.”
Because “penis” and “white.”
Wait, are you not familiar with his movie ‘Moon’? Or his lesser movie ‘Time Code’?? Or his way-waaaaay-lesser movie ‘Warcraft: The Beginning’???
What happened in New York?
Kuwait slant-drilling into Iraq’s Rumaila oilfield probably had something to do with why they were invaded in the first place.
I’m sure a Republican politician can teach us all the science... They seem to be untouchable when sexual allegations surface, so they win by default.
This article is further proof that people who write about Star Wars put far more thought into how the SWU works than George Lucas ever did.
He knows kung-fu.
Republican politicians gonna fuck these kids, aren’t they?
You can punch women all you want, Johnny, but we draw the line at punching men.
Actually, Kill And Kill Again (1981) was the first movie to do bullet time. It’s super-basic, but this is where the effect got its name.
“War is a drug.”
Must... Kill... James... Gunn.
The whip pan to the choir is a cut. Same technique they used in Birdman to hide their cuts and make the whole thing look seamless.
Not bad for a crisis actor, the kid has a future!
Detroit says hello.