Still, it’s a step up from the Japanzilla v Americasaurus fight that turned out to be two cats in felt costumes, which fizzled out after both of them got caught in a sunbeam.
Still, it’s a step up from the Japanzilla v Americasaurus fight that turned out to be two cats in felt costumes, which fizzled out after both of them got caught in a sunbeam.
Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”
All of it gave me anxiety. Good twist though. Not expected.
High Tension is by far the one that sticks out for me.
Everything in Its Right-Wing Place
The big worry I have about this is that it is extremely easy for all that stuff to be lost in the flow of things. There are some Netflix series that I see when I look for a movie to watch that I have never even heard of or completely forgot about. It is as though Netflix isn’t even keeping tabs on its stuff.
Chaos reigns, I guess.
Also, you could get someone so fine he blows minds.
Rodgers has missed less than 15 games in his career to injury...
What a waste of bacon.
The “Moral Majority” finally get the leader they deserve: a serial sexual predator, adulterer, thrice-married, draft-dodging megalomaniac coward who has admitted to never have asked god for forgiveness.
He looks more like a Kyle to me.
We actually produce more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet, but because of things like capitalism and classism and racism, tons gets thrown out because it was overproduced (and thus the market was too saturated to sell everything) or because it wasn’t pretty or because it hit the expiry date. And…
Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.
Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they…
Joke 1:
He’d like a clean diaper and a fresh warm bottle for starters.
His entire life is one big joke.