
I reread Days of Future Past a couple of days ago. A great story done in 2 issues. Now Marvel would have it as a company-wide crossover and a 12 issue series at the start of it.

The Big Fat Superhero Comics Industry feels like it’s old and creaky and being held together with chewing gum in places. How long can it be before the whole thing collapses?

needs more a scanner darkly. my personal pick for best pkd adaptation.

upstream color deserves its place on any list of scifi. it’s honestly not that confusing of a film, nor is it intended to be —it just requires attentive viewing.

Every day, I realize more and more that the election of this man represents some kind of great surrendering by a huge chunk of Americans, that they basically stopped caring if the most powerful man in the most powerful country/ economy ever could actually do his job with even a tiny amount of competence or training,

It’s a relatively small and banal part of the job, and it pales in comparison to all the other ways he sucks, but the way he responds to these disasters is sickening to me. That an adult human cannot suppress the reflex to engage in superfluous praise (mostly of himself) to focus on victims of a disaster is

Christians are bound by the command to love their neighbors as themselves.

If we want to change anything for the better, we have to be welcoming to former opponents who change their mind, regardless of the reason. And I credit him for acknowledging that it shouldn’t have taken it happening to him.

I’ve already dedicated a fantasy football league trophy to them. What more do you expect a person to do?

pfftt...Who needs Twitter?

The noodle shop owner where K eats is played by Emma Stone.

“Good morning, Angels.”

All Reagan did was highlight the sleeze, he made them targets. It was Shrub/Cheney and the post 9/11 melodramatic ragefit the US population had that made them successful. Reagan actually helped destroy them. It was a mistake on the liberalleft to go with the respect the religion angle to help American Muslims as a

To be fair to Obama, he wore a lot of hats. Dictator, Muslim, secret Muslim, terrorist, Kenyan, secret terrorist Kenyan, Hitler, Stalin.

I prefered the pre-9/11 internet myself. The conspiracy theories were all about aliens, leylines, and that sort of shit. The sex scandals were about evangelists, and we were well on the way to destroying religion as a force once and for all. Even the techbros of that time were liberals and leftists. Then Shrub/Cheney

I’m getting some queasy ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ vibes from this. Not exactly the same situation, but with some disturbing similarities. And as I recall, that was based on a true story.