
Also, please God: No more R-E-L-A-X references. If the Packers win the Super Bowl, that stupid tweet will be the first thing they mention in the NFL Films yearbook video. They are beating that tweet into the ground. It was not a magic tweet.

Now playing

Woah woah woah, that gave us an expression that still holds up today, and more importantly this:

If someone said ten years ago that Amazon would be putting a all-sensing microphone in your house, and that people would pay $100 to allow this to happen, I wouldn't believe it.

I did notice that Siri has a crush on David Tennant. Each night, we were watching an episode of Broadchurch, and every time, Siri would wake up and answer something David Tennant said. Nothing else woke it up, and he never said anything even close to "hey Siri."

I shall name mine muad'dib. This is a killing word.

I am buying one of these and putting it on a Roomba. Steps one and two toward a robot butler complete.

No you misread the article. It's a 3rd party Mac App store so it's for Macs i.e. OS X. It doesn't affect your iPhone if your Mac isn't affected so it has nothing to do with jailbreaking.

Obviously and thank you for the pedantry!

Report: Timberwolves unpopular with fans, according to telephone poll

So in hockey speak he has an upper body injury.

I know. I was just looking for an excuse to drop an Anchorman clip. ;-)

It's actually about ethics in gaming journalism.

I just hope Favre doesn't try to text his congratulations to Manning.

As a lifetime Jets fan, I can say the Jets don't need any help losing. They do just fine on their own.

as he commented how my pediatrician must be appalled that I am exposing my daughter to so many germs in court.

Is the secret ingredient semen?

Not much man what's raw with you

I used to work at a mom-and-pop pizzeria that also sold frozen dough balls to other restaurants. The Dough Balls were frozen in a chest freezer set to "Cloud City Carbonite" and had to be individually bagged, and the bags had to be tied. There were always 30 dough balls on a sheet, and about 60 dough balls would fit

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