
There can be only one.

who makes an awesome pan sauce on a grill?

I was using version 3 to run my bootcamp partition, but just upgraded to version 4. Had I not upgraded to 4 last week I probably would have bought this deal.

That is incorrect, I use VMware fusion to access my boot camp installation of Windows 7.

"But its "attenuation" - that is, its potency - goes down when it's raining, snowing or dusty, concedes one of its chief scientists, Diana Loree of the Air Force Research Laboratory, without specifying the degree of reduction."

My wife and I bought bulk tickets from our local chain's corporate office on year and gave them away as Christmas presents

It should work, but you will have to connect the drive locally and partiton it first. Then connect it to the n600 and start the first backup, and cancel it right away once the sparsebundle is created. connect it locally again and complete the first lengthy backup, then hook it back up to the n600 for future wireless

Well, it isn't necessarily misuse. The modern usage actually stems from the use of typewriters and carbon paper, so I think it is more of an older term getting a new meaning, and then evolving into the digital age.

Sorry dude, you may have medieval history on your side, but in terms of email addressing RFC 733 disagrees with you, and expressly mentions "Blind Carbon."

Annie's boobs was on Madmen?

In fact, I don't even OWN a television!

there is a selection in the left hand column you can check that says "Prime Eligible" and it will filter down search results to only show Prime Instant stuff, but you do have to check it every time you search, which is a little wonky.

Roland Gift from the Fine Young Cannibals was a recurring immortal in Highlander: The Series. When he first appeared my friends and I commented that he looked "just like the dude from the Fine Young Cannibals," we didn't find out until later that it was actually him.

As a T-mobile customer, with a shiny phone, free wireless tethering, and an unlimited data plan that doesn't charge me when i go over 5GB of data usage, I cannot help but see this as bad. I like my plan, and I like my phone (which will be on the wrong frequency, once swallowed by AT&T) very much.

They really should do a "The story so far" episode to play before the series 4 premier

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this show fall under the new 90 day moratorium before being shown on netflix?

The drones communicate in the sky, like a flying network...we call it "Skynet."

I hear the DA wants to recommend sentencing him to friendster for life.

The Master is NOT the Doctor's father...where did you get that idea?