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I was intrigued at first, but the past weeks episode was full of fail. Without giving anything away, the episode was moved along more than once by having characters behave incredibly stupidly around extremely dangerous elements.

Google Goggles doesn't support all the bells and whistles that can be included in QR codes. I just found this out while working on a project where QR codes were scanned that were supposed to create an SMS message. Barcode Scanner worked like a champ, but Google Goggles just read the code and never created the text

I live in Milwaukee, WI, and have T-mobile. It is super fast, I will sometimes choose to use my phone as a hotspot rather then free wifi at places of business because it is better than what is offered. I am concerned that the merger is going to ruin all of this though.

Oh, no worries, that was a typo. It was supposed to read Russell Brand.

fn-delete will make the delete key on a mac work like the delete key on a windows machine.

Christopher Lee went to New Zealand.

The T-Mobile G2 is "4g" in that it is an HSPA+ phone. I have one, and netflix works awesome on it via cellular data, although I generally use it on wifi so as not to blow through all my allotted data for the month.

the frequency range that AT&T and T-mobile use are different. The odds of them sticking with the frequency range that T-Mobile currently uses are pretty slim, given that AT&T has way more smartphone handsets out there than T-Mobile does. If the T-mobile network becomes the AT&T data network, all the existing

Why on earth would anyone buy this, when it will be unusable as soon as the AT&T merger is complete?

The urinal cake?

Expose is my favorite feature in OS X. I have it as a hot corner on my trackpad. I show it to every mac newbie who asks me for advice, than I later get the sad when i see them NOT using it.

No support for 64 bit processes?

I have a black belt in Tae-Bo

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa!

"I assure you ever other Android device they have thats on 2.2 require a tethering few."

Since they switched to the non-replaceable batteries, nearly every macbook review I have read confirmed apple's battery life claims, some even pointing out how they were used to seeing inflated battery claims from every manufacturer, and were surprised to see that it was no longer the case with macbooks.

I absolutely loved that in the clue about who it was who performed a laundry list of killings in the Harry Potter books, Watson couldn't decide between Harry Potter and Voldemort.


Rather than buy popcorn salt, I grind kosher salt in my spice grinder. I use an old coffee grinder as my spice grinder and clean it by grinding white rice between spices.