Dr. Stephen Strange

So, it is safe to say that Zombie isn’t nWo

Other than the largely stupid ending, I enjoyed the series.

Not bad overall. I think it is too much to jump to Sentinels in the first movie though. Honestly, I would mind an adaptation of the first comic. Have Magneto using his superpowers to steal WMDs for his own purposes (early planning stages of either Asteroid M or Genosha) and have the X-Men stop him. Have the world love

What makes you think a direct democracy is any better? Demagogues appealing to the masses for supreme power is easer to do in a direct democracy, not harder.

>a senile but harmless Biden

He is actively spending billions of dollars to fund the genocide of Palestinians.

Most people would just shrug off millions of dollars?

>classically liberal Hollywood

Those are two different Joel Coens, aren’t they?

There is no such thing as a necessary movie.

Seven seasons is a great run no matter what the reasons for ending it.

If you dig bald guys.

Huge Jackedman in the Yellow and Blue is all that I’ve ever wanted.


>The first and most obvious is that its one of the meaningless gestures that corporations often do that distracts from the fact they’re fucking evil.

I’m not surprised. People getting old who never embraced adulthood yearn for their childhood and the things that signify it.

>Ain’t It Cool News

Kate’s character is one of the characters that was most mangled during the Krakoa Era. That the writers seem to think she would be cool just tending bar somewhere is so stupid but so par for the course.

Juggernaut looks stupid.