And as you expand the line up you can even eventually split off and have multiple X-Men movies with different casts.
I think people often forget the original series only ran two season before getting cancelled. It ha sonly ever been successful as low cast made for TV movie fair.
Not bad overall. I think it is too much to jump to Sentinels in the first movie though. Honestly, I would mind an adaptation of the first comic. Have Magneto using his superpowers to steal WMDs for his own purposes (early planning stages of either Asteroid M or Genosha) and have the X-Men stop him. Have the world love…
Most people would just shrug off millions of dollars?
>classically liberal Hollywood
Those are two different Joel Coens, aren’t they?
Seven seasons is a great run no matter what the reasons for ending it.
If you dig bald guys.
Actually, saying that exact person is a “self-righteous judgmental dork” is pretty specific.
>kids didn’t catch the thing stuff about....
>Mel Gibson’s “comeback,” his post-scandal career hasn’t exactly lit the world on fire
>Literally no one else in the world but those twelve people is under any obligation to consider it.
But they go to Instagram.
>No one has disputed that the actor was pressing on Yi’s back.
I said “And? Your point?” as in, “I understand your argument, but why do you think that this should be convincing in any manner?”
Correct. All of which is evidence against the claim of assault. Not that the assault happened. Of course people don’t go the police when no crime occurred and dozens of witnesses can testify to that fact.
Don’t mistake your inability to explain or defend your position be confused for a lack of understanding on the part of others.