Dr. Stephen Strange

The show is barely a step above the comic. I’m not surprised it is successful. Mediocrity is prized by mediocre people.

Therein is the entire problem with the series. “The conservative religious people deserve to all be mass murdered by my political group,” is deeply horrific.

That entire album is incredible.

Shit, that isn’t how D&D works. In no way would I describe D&D as giving more freedom to players. It is the most restrictive game that I’ve ever played.

Literally nothing about the movie is queer.

Nah, man. That’s the logo of my childhood.

This is the kind of article you get when you’re writing about something that doesn’t matter, need to generate clicks, and have access to an online thesaurus.

Which is one of the many reasons why capitalism is good for everyone. The most important color is green, even for racists.

>full on self serving, and full on hypocritical with their ‘Do as I say, don’t do as I do’ ideology

>the very expensive cinematic shrug that is Superman Returns

Which is a great moral about what war does to those fighting it.

Thanks for giving me another reason not to watch this abomination.

Foster’s Doctor Who ratings have bene the worst of any since the restart with Eccleston. Acting like that doesn’t matter is foolish. Really they started crashing in the later Capadli years, which is when the series went from “Sci-fi central left as a political stance” to practically preaching at you. “Thin Ice” was a

That “finally revealed” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in a season with only 8 episodes. 

>f you’re concerned about Gaza, Trump would give Netanyahu whatever the hell he wanted with gleeful encouragement to commit as many war crimes as he wants

>They released the full transcript, there’s no reason to release the audio.

Wynona Ryder is still pretty attractive as well.

>Six years later, Cape Town stands as a success story in municipal crisis management

And as you expand the line up you can even eventually split off and have multiple X-Men movies with different casts.

I think people often forget the original series only ran two season before getting cancelled. It ha sonly ever been successful as low cast made for TV movie fair.