Dr. Stephen Strange

And Australians are some of the biggest pirates in the world, thanks to us usually being last with releases rather than first.

Probably have contracts worked out now that its a global hit.  But yeah that wait felt never ending!

The Acolyte really is doubling down on the whole ‘The Jedi are a cult of boring abusive weirdos who deserved to be Order 66ed’ from the prequels. It really feels like it would have worked better as an Expanded Universe novel. It’s a classic example of Harrison Ford’s immortal line “You can type this stuff, George, but

“Edgy” and “mature” are not the same thing

Someone, somewhere said that the original comics run of The Boys was like a pizza cutter: all edge, no point, and I feel like that’s something a lot of showrunners need to think about.

The shows don’t need to be most violent or more sexual to be serious adult shows.

Not hundreds. Thousands. With a complement of 1000-6000 crew, the ‘average’ Galaxy-class starship sports over 3000 crew and related support personnel, and their families.

You moved the goal post.

That’s 100% horrible but that means it could happen with this show.

I give Star Wars a lot of leeway. I forgive a lot of sins, bad writing, plot holes, bad character design... because I love Star Wars. So, take this with the weight I intend, and the pain it may cause me to say it...

While I have no doubt that there was/is some homophobia going on, especially at the studio executive level, I’m inclined to believe that he was indeed fired simply because he cast as Ratner’s Superman. When Ratner left and the project changed, the casting changed with it. Happens all the time.

I think they’re going to end up revealing the twins to be one “soul” split in two, with a resulting dark and light side.

So Anakin wasn’t special in any way shape or form, wasn’t the first virgin birth, didn’t bring balance to the Force, and everything George Lucas created didn’t matter in the slightest. Jedis = Cis White Male = Bad, literally witches vs. the patriarchy.

I like that Kara is cosplaying as Android 18

So nothing is changing but a few words before a title to try to get the thickheaded bloggers and reviewers to stop pretending you need to “watch everything” and “do homework” to enjoy the Marvel movies, because the “superhero fatigue” narrative drives engagement and makes for an easy scapegoat for a complex media

As is usual, the most boring explanation is also the most likely one.

Honestly whoever produced this (It wasn’t directly the Trump campaign but some other SUPERPAC) probably hired some college kid and gave him the audio and a 2 day deadline to animate this. So the kid grabbed the most modern available public domain front pages from the New York Times from the Library of Congress

Surprised a Sharpie wasn’t involved...

Mother of God... If you bothered to look at the graphics, whatever graphic design intern produced the animation used public domain newspapers as a template for the animation. Other headlines include references to 1914 and World War 1. My point is, whatever intern decided to take a short cut to save production time is