Dr. Stephen Strange

While I have no doubt that there was/is some homophobia going on, especially at the studio executive level, I’m inclined to believe that he was indeed fired simply because he cast as Ratner’s Superman. When Ratner left and the project changed, the casting changed with it. Happens all the time.

So none of these depressed, heavily medicated, and desperate fame whores are going to take accountability for their actions...

I realized this during Comms class in college: people born into English are lazy af at the language. Because Canadian’s are born into knowing English (except that small clan of French weirdos) we think we’re good at it but we aren’t. So many people in my class would skip Comms because “why do I need this class?”. Havin

Yet another article that says CBS cancelled the show, when the head writers have repeatedly stated that they felt the show reached its conclusion. So weird to be so intent on stirring controversy where there is none. 

I think Neeson got a bad rap with that particular incident, although I can’t speak to him vouching for Spacey.

“There’s room to do something really quite dangerous. And if I can do something dangerous and exciting with Tomb Raider, I already have an audience of people who love Lara and hopefully will continue to. And that is a very unusual position to be in.”

I wonder if this will completely suck shit as much as the first season.

I occasionally go back to Tim Burton’s Ed Wood just to remind myself that no matter how bad an artist someone is, that doesn’t mean at all that they can’t be a perfectly good and nice person who deserves happiness like anyone else. And if they’re still proud of their work, that should be celebrated.

Pine stars as Darren Barrenman (get it? “Barren Man”?), a “long-haired manchild” who talks and dresses like a fifth grader and writes daily letters to Erin Brockovich (not Julia Roberts) on his typewriter

The Big Lebowski really is a unicorn of a movie. You’re right, the first time through it seems like a mess. Speaking for myself, what brought me back were two things: the jokes (my friends and I incessantly quoted that movie) and the fact that I appreciated that this whole story happens around Lebowski, who has no

Eh, Tom Felton definitely caught the Child Actor Has Some Serious Trauma virus. His autobiography dealt with some heavy substance abuse issues that he was lucky to work through.

Cannot believe that Richard Spencer thing was six years ago - it’s the sort of thing you’d expect happening the 1950s, not the 2010s. ‘Course, we all know why he said that - it’s not so much that he cares about Jews, but more the classic “See? [Insert outgroup here] gets to do this - why can’t I?”

Wow... what a fall... It just goes to show:
You either die a hero, or li—IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!!

small point to add, but do not forget about how Israel, and zionists not only try and erase the identity and existence of Palestinian Christians, but Palestinian Jews. There are still those living in Israel whose families have lived continuously in area for thousands of years who consider themselves Palestinian, who

Jewish people were persecuted and the answer was to give them their own State.

Shhhh.  People round these parts don’t like uncomfortable truths. 

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

Tribalism is ingrained in the human condition. It served an important evolutionary purpose which humans no longer require in order to succeed as a species. I find it troubling how many think that “Separate but equal’ is a viable option for society. Historically it has never worked. Not one time. People believing that

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation