Dr. Sattler

Somthing I’ve been mulling over; at a certain point, if all democratic and legislative avenues close for the actual will of the people (gerrymandering, etc.), the only avenue left might be armed insurrection. So (speaking as a Canadian), it will be interesting if the Republicans do a 180 on gun control, because an

We generally have a pretty fucked up idea of what “forgiveness” means. For example, when the Catholic Church says “Abuse victims need to forgive our priests”, what they’re saying is, “Abuse victims need to drop their lawsuits against the church”.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

a Goop colonic.

I doubt most women suddenly start considering abortion as a potential choice after they found out they’re pregnant. Abortion likely became a consideration as soon as they became sexually active, at least as a thought experiment.

Wait - what?!?! What movie was he naked in?!?! I am asking for a friend. And is this movie on Netflix? I . . my friend has Netflix.

No it doesn’t. While I choose to use natural repellent, there have been many studies and DEET is perfectly safe for preg woman

Before you were born an ugly, warted old woman sat by the side of the road and asked for help changing a tire. Your parents stopped and changed it for the old woman, kindly. Then, before their very eyes-the old woman began to transform into the most beautiful fairy princess they had ever seen!

News flash: Not all of us live in the city. Not all jobs are based in the city. If your grandma has a car she can’t drive, offers you its use, and it makes your life easier, you effing take her up on it. That is not an example of a bad decision.

Why do you assume there’s public transportation to the job? Where some may consider driving a fine automobile to work a luxury, others see having easily accessible public transportation as one.

Us lesbian shitasses clearly need to support Mcgowan in this. Where do we buy our “Team Rose” shirts at??

Her face is tied to the £pound so . . .

Like most vegetable oils, it is high in saturated fat (about the same fat content as butter) and can raise bad cholesterol. So on the spectrum, palm oil is better than partially hydrogenated oils but not nearly as healthy as olive oil. Mostly, in the case of peanut butter, it’s just not necessary. It is added to serve

Healthy is one of those slippery words that Big Food Companies (TM) love to use all over their advertising. Slap the word healthy on something and people will buy it without ever really pausing to think whether there is any quantifiable metric for whether something is healthy.

As a side project we (I gathered our engineering team) figured out long island popsicles:

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:

I don’t think Audrey Hepburn would have had a Twitter account. Now, Katharine Hepburn, she would have been excellent on Twitter.

There’s this yoga instructor on YouTube that I like and she has a lot of free videos. She's actually kind of funny too. Just search YogaWithAdriene. You can do it alone by yourself in your house. I’ve been doing it for almost a year, twice a day and have no interest in going to a studio to move with others. It’s more
