Dr. Sattler


Yeah. That judge needs ... to not be there.

To add onto what Chief Queef said - and I am speaking as a white woman, who has seen this happen - there is a very strong push to achieve “marriage, house, babies” as a life script. And what happens is that you meet someone in your mid or late 20s and you fall in love and so it just makes sense to get married right?

Dear White House Press Corps:

Holy shit you guys, Sally Fields is fire.

 It’s not his office anymore – his landlord has evicted him, and the NY Bar is investigating him for formal discipline – oh, wait – it looks like he’s going to lose his entire license - LOL

Dude! Do you really not get this? Women are being told that we’re replaceable because guys have realistic sex dolls. Which reduces us to fuckholes, basically. So, NO, you are not the victim here. Men who crow about not needing women because they have some silicone simulation are the problem.

Do you know how many points it dropped? 666 as reported at 10:00pm ET press time.

Oh, boy. I worry about getting into this with someone who writes like you write because I’ve seen your message delivered the way you deliver it before (many, many times before) and I sense from that that you’re not going to want to hear it. But if you really believe what you’re saying, it needs to be said:

I don’t have any bets - but I do have a former federal prosecutor with a procedural thread on how things might go forward and what this might mean

Right? Even when we’re soaking in Kinjadrama, Ernie is always there for us.

I’ve been practically daring someone to do this; I’ve even done all the homework for them I had the access to do.

The Rule of Tony requires pictures of the tiny former asshole when you post a story about him. Just sayin’.

Funny thing...my family (who are all born again Christians) have the tact NEVER to say this to me. “Corgis, aren’t you glad you’re here with us and not dead in a dumpster?”

But the song could still work...shorttttfingers... :)

This is what kills me. California taxes are being spent in backwards red states on people who think I should go back to Mexico (3rd generation Californian) or that I am abusing welfare or that my AfAm husband should die in the street like a dog at the hands of some cop. But whose tax dollars are supporting their

(credit to Mona Chalabi)

There once was a groper from Queens

Me balancing the budget: