
Eh, nobody is resto-modding K5s and then using them for the purpose that they were originally made for. It’s a statement piece, like a brodozer but (in my opinion) cooler. You do it for the nostalgia and to have something different from the run-of-the-mill Range Rovers and Cayennes. You do this electric version simply

They can if they plan on selling it for another 12 years.

Well yea they are if you keep taking a coat hanger to them, Patrick!


This is where “Safari all the cars!1!” should occur. Slap some all terrain meats onto smaller wheels to gain sidewall, toss a lift onto it, and call it a day. Living in the Finger Lakes region also, that Subaru will go about anywhere around here with good tires and a lift. Even in winter, when the roads are buried in

Pull what off? Making a vehicle whose every line seems to sag in the middle? DONE!

Everyone who’s ever designed professionally or even been trained in design knows that perfectly flat lines and surfaces will always look hollow. You need just the slightest amount of positive crown to counteract this while still giving

She wouldn’t have to.

Doesn’t Torch have a Pao? You could call it the Kapao. It’s got a ring to it.

I can assure you a 318 wasn’t a blast to drive and was as poorly received by enthusiasts as a modern FWD BMW.

Was your fire department strictly volunteers? I just find it odd because there’s almost no discernable difference between testing it once a week and testing it once a day if there’s no changes made to the system. I used to work an extremely shitty security job while I was in college and I had to manage the fire system

Isn’t the instant relief from our own existential dread at the hands of nuclear hellfire launched by some anonymous figure half a world away, sort of a Victory?  A Victory over our own meaningless suffering?

I literally bought a condom out of a machine that had a warning not to use it for birth control.

Nissan Frontier would like a word.  Also anyone else breaking the half priced condoms thing down in their head? I think I’d go the full price condoms I mean presumably I just got paid so I’d have the liquidity and half priced goods of such importance from such a dubious source?

See, that’s why I want a Mitsubishi mirage: I want people to think I have a massive hog

My question is, why does the performance suck? Over 8 seconds to 60? I’m not saying we need lightning fast, but man, can’t VW at least muster something in the 5 second range to give similar performance as like a GTI? This seems to be Golf level performance with Golf R level prices. Why is it that Tesla seems to be the

Yeah. I’d rather buy an 86, slap a 5k turbo kit on it, and have 20k or so left over.

It’s what would happen if you tried to render a Carrera GT on an N64.

The Supra’s biggest problem is not the Z4 or any Nissan, it’s the 2-Series. The M240i has the identical powertrain and very similar suspension for less money. I feel like Toyota is charging extra for nostalgia, and that’s hurting the car.

I fixed it for you.