
Your name is Vin, so you’re hardly impartial where the Fast and Furious movies are concerned.

Are they friends because their ears are at the opposite end of the bell curve?

I will smog it before the turbo installation and won’t make it to the next smog test.

well you are a moron and an asshole then, please go fuck yourself

All generations are mostly crap.

My unibody XJ wants a word with you.

Oh man, I sure do remember that! That was when RE was at it’s most classic. AKA the games that I never really liked.

I can appreciate what they did, what they were trying to do and the fear it created with it’s not-so-in-control, controls. But boy do I like RE4 much better. Give me super cops, or give me death!

But we

You’re shouting into the void, I fear.

Ha ha! Awesome man! No one has ever made a joke like this before!

Never have kids.

Duuuude. that sucks. hope you get it going again with out too much disassembly. my two xjs wish you luck

It would help if that bro knew how to put his truck in 4wd-low.

They’d strip parts off it to sell to another customer is my guess.

Huh. So you’re saying the title of the song “Turn Down for Watt” is both grammatically and logically sound? I did not come here expecting to learn that today.

“Get some febreeze or something”

And no CVT. CVT’s are like condoms, I do not use them.

Now playing

Also, modern RC cars (sorry i’m that kind of nerd) are way cooler these days, most of the nice new ones are 4wd and can be set up to drift (start the video at 55 seconds if it doesn’t do it automatically)