
So....cars that are already worth a ton of money will be worth a ton of money in the future. Gotcha.

How original... yet another quadcopter videographer using Ride of the Valkyries.

Aside from the fact it's over this particular vessel, what makes this incredible footage? All he does is go back and forth over the top of the carrier a bunch of times. I'm curious, not trying to be asinine.

I think you’ll need to time travel to the future to get a genetic engineer who can use CRSPR/Cas9 on your DNA in the time frame before the police find you and take your DNA. I work on bacteria, and this shit is hard. I would imagine doing it in mammalian cells would be even more difficult.

It’s like the Cobra Hiss without the gun turret.

Primanti’s sandwich for reference:

You sound like a cool dude, we should be friends!

the solution is to not live in PA.


My husband and I were only 19 and 20, respectively, when we married. We had gotten engaged after only knowing each other for five months, to the chagrin of our parents, but we were in love...and desperate to get away from our parents' homes. That being said, as young and poor as we were, we probably wouldn't have

so sorry about your blockbuster membership

Did the lifeguard have a blue or green tinge? Did he leave footprints behind in the sand? Did your boyfriend look away, only to look back and the lifeguard is no longer there? Did his voice sound at all like the noise you hear when you put a conch shell up to your ear?

I'm single and in my mid-thirties, have no prospects and will probably never get married and go on a honeymoon. There's your horror story, suckas.

The best: My 96 Tacoma small 2Wd 4 banger. Crank windows, bench seat, actual knobs and not much else.

Post the relevant details here... The truck that hit the Jeep was traveling at 55+ MPH, while the Jeep was found to be at or below 6 MPH. The fact that anyone survived to sue is noteworthy. Many other vehicles would’ve folded like paper and killed everyone inside. Further, how does hitting a stopped vehicle at highway

4 year olds are pretty damn valuable IMO. Think about it - they just finished being toddlers, they’re emerging from the “me-phase” into that adorable “Appreciates Santa Claus” phase - AND there’s no diapers anymore, it’s a fully house trained kid.

I think that’s an indicator that you’ve had too many kids. Just stop already. It’s like you just stuffed so many almonds in your mouth, they start to fall out by themselves. Enough with the almonds! It’s not healthy! I know they’re delicious!

This is the type of person who will wail and moan and cry about “what a tragedy it was” and how it was somebody else’s fault if these kids get hurt (yes, I understand it would be a tragedy for these kids to be killed, but it would be so easily prevented).

Maybe what I really want to happen is for this next generation of turbo-nutters to have a nutter ‘mode.’ So you can have your turbo 488, 911 and AMG all doing their very best impression of being normally aspirated, but there’s a button you can hit that sends you straight back to 1987. You hit the gas and nothing