
That's what I see as well.  White car at fault... everyone there is idiots.

Hmm, I’m going to have to retract my previous statements in threads above where I described the black truck as coming up on the shoulder and shoving the white SUV out of the way. From this angle, it’s clear that’s not what happened.

Talk about love-shoves all you want, but the truck had the lane. From the start of that video, the white SUV is considerably out of it’s lane (to the right) up until it collides with the truck.

The Monza was so terrible it naturally won Motor Trend Car of the Year in 1975.

Here’s a question:

Yes. Star for you.

Agreed. This article is not very well researched. 

211,000 people is 0.53% of California’s total population.  Yes, MASS exodus that should shame all remaining Californians.  Please write your thesis on this utter failure of a state to retain its citizens.

Why is the “Managing Editor “ guessing why Californians are fleeing the State when the information is readily available:

This is well thought out and written, but it doesn’t fit my boogeyman narrative that Californians aren’t really people, just straw men that I can project my fears and prejudices onto so that I can immediately dismiss their pain and misfortune as something they deserve to have happen to them because I would rather not

If I had to guess, I’d say people are leaving California due to the heartbreaking wildfires that seem to get worse and worse every year”

Do you really think it’s the fires that began in the past 2-3 weeks causing people to flee the Bay Area and LA? Might it have more to do with the pandemic that has lasted 6 months or so and the much less business-friendly approach CA took compared to TX? Or perhaps the years-long increases in living costs that were

They are not leaving due to the wild fires. They are leaving due to the taxes, crime and other BS that California has instituted!

Only those strongly left-leaning need apply.

I don't question the no experience because Jalopnik has become a entry level site for writers.  But the be able to write about other subjects shows its looking for propaganda political pundits with a bent. No mention of salary. It is a poorly worded ad or a sign of future crap from their sites.


I have a B.A. in English and am an ASE Master Tech. I don’t think you want me.

Can my stories be positive and uplifting or must they always been doom and gloom with negative connotations (a la Shilling and Bradley)? What if I don’t fall into line with the exact political thinking’s of your staff? Can I still write for Jalopnik?

It’s almost like all of your writers quit for some reason.