
America is the least racist nation on earth today. BLM is a racist, Marxist, violent arm of the Democrat party, founded by Anti-Semites and based on a lie. Kneelers push the lie and dishonor the country that treats everyone equally.

What racism? You mean the vile, extreme racism plastered in a coordinated way on Kinja’s The Root?

I see all this same bullshit about them doing the things (rainbow on the cars, taking a knee) and “there it is, racism is over”. On formula 1, in the end, Hamilton is the living legend of the sport, has the best car, is almost about to put one lap over the second place and still has to do more.

Wait, I don’t get it

My gut tells me that the Wrangler has absorbed much of the US convertible market over the past couple of decades.

They’re great as loaners while yours is in the shop for a couple days, but at that price point... yeesh.

Even tho I loved it when I had it, I’ll never regret leaving my Cooper S for a Veloster N.

 I am - hit me up at fbi@gmail.com. 

Don’t forget the cocaines.  THE COCAINES!

Kia’s all like...

That Falcon...me likey.

It’s more like “I don’t trust my wife with my Mercedes” 

So the lithium market is depressed? How ironic.

This went over everyones head

If someone is a vegan crossfitter, there’s exactly zero chance you’ll need to wonder. Zero on the Kelvin scale.

I wonder if they also do CrossFit and live a vegan lifestyle.

I admire your commitment to reminding us about your 850, even when it has almost no relevance to the article at hand.

It’s an electronics gremlin.

Ah yes, Brazil, India, and China, the known bastions of clean air

Another great study from “The Institute of Suck All The Fun Out Of Everything”

I don’t see how you lump Tesla in with the vaporware. There’s plenty of true vaporware money to criticize: old Fisker, new Fisker, Dyson, Lucid, Faraday Future, Nikola, Canoo, EVelozcity (gag).