Trump 2020
Trump 2020
No. She blows
How does Justin still have a job?
You blow
I thought it looked pretty good. I'm not sure why you are being so dramatic about it.
Erik, you suck donkey d!ck
I wish you would step down for the stupid shit that you have posted on here
I would stick with Dave's advice on this one.
I really wish Erik would quit. His articles and opinions are garbage.
Heres to hoping the new editor in chief fires you 👍
Fire Erik. He blows, just like you probably will.
You absolutely suck. Please quit
Why so much hate for trucks?
Pretty sure yourva dumbass
You sir are a dumbass
Erik please quit
You seriously suck
Exactly, more choices for consumers. Most people here don't understand that though
You do realize that less models equals less competitive and higher prices. But this is typical jalop nonsense where more is bad, trucks are evil and obscurity reins supreme