Ah yes, the REAL Inflategate:
Ah yes, the REAL Inflategate:
Re-posting for posterity:
Saddest thing is that she already had a high handicap.
When I was about 7-8, I spent every summer day playing in the foundation of the house my father was building for our family. My brother, two years my junior, usually just followed me around.
I’m the kind of guy that Anthony Bourdain would throw off a moving train. I HATE meatfat. I will spend as much time as humanly necessary to hold up each individual pice of lunchmeat to a light to identify the strands of fat and surgically remove them. I will trim a chicken breast to the extent that if only 25% of the…
Seriously though, I hope traffic on Acorn Calf isn’t too bad as I head to my home in Apple Jack. My barber’s clerk earlier said a crumb castle tipped over and spilled bockeys all over the road.
Oh you mean NA tribes, not words. (minus Chicago but I feel like you just got lucky with that one)
You just fjoat like a bjoat.
......Native American words?
Yeah I don’t know I’m in LaGuardia and it makes you stupid.
“...Police responded to a home invasion at a residence on Hickory Pass near the Cherokee County line.” They arrived via stagecoach, 4 days later as the river was difficult to fjord in the rainy season. Of the 4 responding officers dispatched, 2 perished en route due to dysentery.
I opted for flow over accuracy. It was a difficult choice.
Is it just me, or is JJ just the guy from Doom had he chosen a life of child abuse and politics instead of heading to Mars?
Jim Jordan, THE Ohio Abuse Ignorer
I’m beginning to automatically associate Jon Hamm with smooth egg shapes.
I will say that the new US Customs section of the Calgary Airport is very nice. They even have bikes that you pedal to power plugged in appliances.