Drone from Dorne

That’s amazing - looks like the story and some original comments were pulled from 2012, then the new crop of punsters jumped on board. Wow. Not sure what to make of that one...

So about a quarter of a cord, if you gave a quarter for every quarter of a cord the got chucked

You may not be able to test drive, but you might try a rental agency?

Nah dawg, they’re just sayin’ “hello”

But, but, Formula One Management (isn’t that the gray-haired Bernie guy?) has blocked the video on this website. If Formula One Management doesn’t want me to watch the video, then I’m not watching it right?

Here’s the tip - if it says “Healthy” anywhere on the package, it’s not.

Absolutely. When you’re in a room with other people, there are things you can’t say face to face. Remove to a safe room with a keyboard and no consequences, and the worst impulses come out in people.

Fairly certain that House of Representatives email accounts are priority targets for spies, hackers, and terrorists. Expect tightly targeted attacks, in addition to the 1,000,000+ daily intrusion attempts that most large corporations see.

a standard safe mission into space wouldn’t be very interesting

Probably no blog without the re-posts :(

It’s dirt cheap. L.A. to New York (5,000 round trip):

It’s frustrating, but seating density is driven by the economics of competition. In a nutshell, anybody that flies less seats loses business to somebody that offers a lower fare by packing more seats on the plane.

How many acres of pristine forest were sacrificed for you to grow food?

When I accidentally stepped on that butterfly, I had no idea it would lead to climate chaos and the death of several species in the year 5,002,348...so I’m OK, right?

Yeah, pretty lazy not to edit the Screen Rant video, huh?

Think about your personal vision and mission statement. Chances are, you’ve got stuff in there that you aspire to, but may not be great at today.

That iPhone botnet isn’t just going to build itself

Some of them have mottos like: “Don’t be evil”

Once upon a time, we used to be able to tell the difference between The News and The National Enquirer.

After a lifetime studying rocks, yo-yo’s are way exciting!