Drone from Dorne

Right around, baby. Right around.

Thought it was “Found On Road Dead, Got Trashed”

My wife and I just bought the super-size double. Now we’re just hoping we die at the same time so we can both be buried in it.

Honestly thought “$40 tablet” meant the bamboo cutting board

Honestly thought “$40 tablet” meant the bamboo cutting board

Apple slices, assorted nuts and cheese - no big surge, just gradually not being groggy anymore

Shocked! Shocked, I say!

So this is what happens in your stomach if you swallow a hot dog whole?

Might know this guy. Driving home from work in the rain once, when somebody passed on the left going waaaay too fast (I was going about 60 mph, he was probably up around 80+).

anyone who spends hours a day in gridlock

Once your phone connects to it, it acts like a tower and gets the raw data being broadcast. They’re mobile devices, so jammers wouldn’t do anything about vans or aircraft carrying them. People being looked for will just learn to turn their phones off, or at least put it in airplane mode when you’re not using it.