Drone from Dorne

Ill have a...license to kill

Counter-argument: the current MPG system allows an easily comparable metric. I know that the EPA says this car gets 30mpg, this other one 32. Whether or not *I* get that mileage isn’t as important as the comparison between the two.

Yet this site continues to use Flash videos...

I could understand if it was by accident, but this is on porpoise.

That’s a lack of braking and entering.

Don’t forget the big one:

“Have Satanic human sacrifices ever been performed in this house that would cause evil spirits to possess the children, causing them to tie up the parents, torture them, and then kill them in unspeakably horrible ways?”

Hide behind their keyboards, yes, but I also think there is another aspect, the disassociation of watching something on a screen, being actually removed from the true situation.

You're asking this to an Internet that routinely threatens rape and death to women for saying really anything.

Because people are terrible, especially when they can hide behind their keyboards.

About 0.000734619 acres. That’s the equivalent of a 4'x8" garden box

If you want to be environmentally friendly as possible, don’t buy a hybrid, or an electric, or even a car for that matter.

Stop calling it ridesharing. It’s not carpooling, it’s a taxi service. I don’t care what these companies call themselves, but ridesharing is just bullshit. I call, I pay, they drive. No sharing.

I want this as part of the iOS baseline. I am not going to install some third party app and say my phone is jailbreak. Who monitors the monitor?

I guess when you study rocks for a living, you take humor however you can get it.

Yea, but don’t you have to buy in bulk? What and I going to do with a 10-pack of coffins? :-)

When our family used an iPad to pull up the Costco website in the office of a funeral home salesperson, all sorts of reasonably-priced options that hadn’t been presented to us suddenly became available. Costco can save you $$ even if you don’t buy the coffin from them.