
“No shit.”

So this actually happened to me once! See, when you’ve got the lights in your eyes, and you’re not sure if you’re gonna be able to get to it in time, you get a bit rushed and scrape your hand on your zipper.

Yep. This is just the latest "lock her up" or him calling on his fans to beat up protestors. 

This article is kind of hilarious. It blatantly points out that Pence and Cheney will weaponize it if they can, while ignoring the fact that the left is 100% weaponizing it, knowing full well the parallels that people draw when the words “Concentration Camps” are used to anyone in the Western world. You can’t get mad

Because Americans traveling abroad have a long, long history of being ignorant and disrespectful of their host countries. Because a lifetime of being told that the U.S.A. is the greatest nation in the world and that everyone else is inferior causes people to plow roughshod over other cultures and make asses of

As a Paris resident, I am 100% behind this move.

I heard that’s what the XFL will do. No three years since you’ve graduated high school rule. They might get some players that aren’t suited for college life.

And this is why Pelosi slow walked the idea of impeachment.


“Actually I won the ratings BIG once you subtract all the ILLEGAL ALIENS who tuned in to support Nancy Pelosi who wants OPEN BORDERS!!”

“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how

Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.

I think part of the problem is that anyone with actual real insight works for a team and their work is proprietary and thus not public. We’re left with washouts and guys whose last good idea was in 1995.

I can’t believe he’s a little more than a month older than I am, and that is NOT intended as a compliment.

I live in Washington where it’s also legal and people smoking it in public is the worse thing about legalization. It’s like some people no longer get the thrill of buying pot illegally so they have to compensate by smoking it in a public place that will annoy the most people possible.

Waiting For Goodell

I think OJ needs to pull a “can you hear me now” guy and pitch Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

Not pictured; Scooby, licking his balls just off camera.

Two Girl, No Cup