
I also strongly suggest you call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE and talk to the advocates there. They can help you make arrangements to get clear, get help and be safe

And the roommate’s name was... “The Aristocrats!”

Also for “..Just Monika levels of crazy”

Pretty spot on this week.

This, in my professional opinion, is one of the indicators that it’s best to dump someone so hard their parents divorce retroactively.

Offtopic, but I’m a huge fan of your articles. I recently took a friend out on the “standard date” in Austin, and we had a blast!

I’m sorry, she may look like Samantha Mathis, smell like fresh-baked cookies and get her hair done by cartoon birds but you have gone on one date with her.

The first one, with a few differences, is me basically. Triggeringly so, almost.

Recovered alcoholic here (almost at 1 year, 9 months, woo!) to say that everything the good Doctor said is right on the money. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want or think they need help, and she clearly doesn’t. It sucks so much to watch someone you love get lost in the monster of addiction, when it seems like

Good advice, as always, though I wanted to thank you for the Thibault/Capo Ferro dig. A+ would abandon two-handed longswords for complex-hilted rapiers again.

“Virginity is fundamentally meaningless. It says absolutely nothing about your worth or value as a person.” - I wish more people thought this way. My step-son broke up with his girlfriend after she finally showed her true colors and treated him horribly. He’s no saint himself, but he said he went back to her because

Dr. Nerdlove’s been a regular feature since Jan. 2014. You’re a bit late to the party.

you clicked on it

Pithy, cutting, incisive comment that completely misses that Ask Dr. Nerdlove has been an ongoing feature of Kotaku for the last few years.

I love these columns so much! It’s my absolute favorite part of visiting Kotaku. I always feel like you’ve got a shit ton of useful advice without pandering or avoiding stepping on too many toes.

Thank you for shutting this sexist evolutionary psychology bullshit down.