
I usually read these for the snark, but your advice to number 3 was great. You fucking nailed it.

Considering this is a site generally aimed at nerds, I recommend that Jealous and Guilty read Spiderman: Blue.

I think a lot of people either didn’t completely read Doc’s advice to the second letter or are misinterpreting what he said. He didn’t say not to tell the wife, he just said to be careful when they do and how they tell her. There’s the odds that she might not believe said friend, and even if(more like when) the truth

It’s time to come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab.

Whoa dude - you need to calm down. It’s clear that he doesn’t know how to manage this relationship and that’s precisely why he wrote the letter. You don’t need to be an asshole and call him out for asking an advice column... for advice. It’s clear he doesn’t know how to handle his situation - so back the fuck off and

The doc was right, though. Far, far too many women have to use that “maybe later” kind of language to avoid potentially violent reactions from men when rejecting advances. When hearing something like “It’s not a good time for me right now”, the best reaction, almost always, is to treat it like a hard “no”; she’s

There are a ton of different types of open relationships that don’t always mean a free-for-all. There are also a ton of different reasons someone might want an ethically non-monogamous relationship that go beyond just the novelty of it.

Jay and Silent Bob.

Except in this case it sounds like the wife has rejected going to see a therapist. So where does that leave him? 

Harris, I’ve been a big fan of yours since your Spill days as part of the LEOG (I still remember “Harris’ Anime Corner” and the April Fool’s brouhaha you had with Rubio), and I read these articles everytime they come out, but this line here:

Holy hell, if I had to quote one thing from your articles to convince people to start reading it would 100% be this:

They don’t have “whomsoever should part these legs, if they be worthy, shall have the power of Score” embroidered on their underwear.

“Feel the ever-living fuck out of your feels, my dude”

This is some of the best advice a person can possibly give another person. Couldn’t agree more. <3 

Part of the problem is that you’re treating her affection like it’s a measure of your value as a person. But women ain’t Mjölnir, my dude. They don’t have “whomsoever should part these legs, if they be worthy, shall have the power of Score” embroidered on their underwear.

I think you’re overthinking what was meant as a lighthearted icebreaker to the point. However... I’ll bite!

But women ain’t Mjölnir, my dude. They don’t have “whomsoever should part these legs, if they be worthy, shall have the power of Score” embroidered on their underwear.

Right? I feel like every one of the points the doc hit in response to this was perfect. “X-Factor”, Determining what the object of one’s affections actually represents to them, “it’s okay to avoid this person while you get over them”, developing a sense of self-worth that only relies on oneself. All exactly the very

This is a great article. I’ve had depression, social anxiety, and a few other mental issues for most of my adult life, but at the end of the day, I realize that this is my life and I need to do the things that make my life what I want it to be.

There is a scene in Ratatouille where the critic says that “the bitter

...it’s causing you to make one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is “never try to send someone an invoice for a bad date” but only slightly less well known is this: never agree to bargain when you’re trying to dump someone.