
I mean, not *entirely* wrong... 

Bi people exist. 

So I’m guessing you missed this part from the opening?

Some folks, especially who are older, have health complications that put them at greater risk if they are exposed to COVID-19, including diabetes, asthma, COPD, or are immuno-compromised, particularly from chemotherapy or other medical treatments.

God I remember spending SO much time on that game.

(Hell, half the time i was just hitting the spacebar at the intro to make it yell “GHOSTBUSTERS!”)

Welcome to capitalism and weakened worker protection laws.

Except it is just a ritual for many, many people. There are lots of folks who are culturally Catholic and go through the ceremonies without ever being interested in First Communion or going to services, just like how many non-observant Jews will still get bar and bat-mitzvah’d, even though they never plan on setting

I’m not defending the church, I’m defending what the pageantry and the ceremony means to the wife. Plenty of folks take comfort or joy the ritual and couldn’t give a damn about the beliefs behind it.

The odds that their theoretical kids would ever so much as be sent to Sunday school is so unlikely that I wouldn’t

Here’s my advice: take any words about the Catholic Church from somebody with the last name ‘O’Malley’ with a grain of salt.

So here’s an astounding thing I learned in college: The US Government legitimately came >< close to using nukes to build the Interstate system through the Rocky Mountains. The only reason they didn’t is because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers couldn’t reliably predict where the fallout would go.

(Source: https://www.am

Stephen Amell’s Nocking Point wines are excellent. I’ve yet to have one from his winery that I haven’t enjoyed.

(The coffee is kinda awesome too. Pricey though.)

So I’ll take away the cause.

But not...


No, I didn’t miss it at all. It’s a classic example of a “soft” no, a way of turning someone down without hurting their feelings or being extremely direct about it.

You... really don’t know much about open relationships or the many different styles of open relationships. They’re decidedly NOT just free-for-alls, especially not the ones that’re actually meant to work.

Strangely enough, no. 

“Gone, gone, form of man,
Rise the roommate,

Vladimir and Estragon

Come on people. Y’all are nerds. You know how the dynamic for someone like Truly Odd Couple works.

Han and Chewbacca, yo.