
If he was on the soundtrack in some way (maybe doing a cover of Ghostbuster?), I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Maybe they can sneak him into the movie through the soundtrack, then.

He’s also quite the country singer.

FYI - he took a hiatus from appearing on screen in 1997 so he could focus on raising his children. His wife, Ann, died from cancer in 1991. He’s done mostly voice work since then, most likely because it gives him a more flexible schedule and doesn’t require the long set times.

He made a lifetime of money (between the movies and the subsequent Disneyland rides), started a family, and got out of the Hollywood craziness. Good on him. If he’s looking to play different types of roles now, I can totally understand him not wanting to revisit his character from 30 years ago.

Yeah, it’s a really WTF choice. Unless it actually features Batman defeating a resurrected Hitler trying to take over the world with monster super-Nazis, I guess. That would really be the only case that that name is okay.

I mean, I have no interest in All-Star Batman, but Batman painting an entire room yellow just to spite Hal Jordan is genuinely one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen in a comic.

Will Batman’s hilariously excessive pettiness be back?

Miller has returned to comics to finish the ...Dark Knight Returns “trilogy”

I assume it ends with the only logical conclusion - Batman nuking Gotham into a gigantic hole in the ground to prevent all crime from happening. Or because he stubbed his toe or something.

Or the average Jezebel article. Well at least the comments section.

Babylon 5, but its kind of a cheat as the last episode was filmed a year before the rest of the final season - and the weakness of the final season was kind of unavoidable because they compressed the planned arcs for seasons 4 and 5 together into season 4 thinking they probably wouldn’t get the fifth season they ended

I’m going to go against you on this because Season 3 is clearly the worst despite having the “core four” through most of it. By comparison, many episodes of Season 5 are actually pretty clever/interesting parallel world standalones.

Sometimes I’d be at someone’s house with cable and an episode of Sliders would come on and I’d get all excited. Then I would see that it’s form the last season with Cro-mags, only Rembrant from the original cast and be like “this shit is not Sliders”.

Sliders is the definition of this for me. The core 4 were awesome. I loved seeing the different placed they would slide to and seeing what shenanigans occurred. Once they started getting involved with the whole Cro-mag things I started to lose interest. Also, Kari Wuhrer is a kiss of death to TV and movies. She’s the

Calling it now: The Joker’s true name is... The Joker.