
I only wish that I was diagnosed as a much younger age, Because I have a bunch of dental problems now as I do not have any freaking enamel on the tops/bottoms of my damn teeth.

That is my favorite of the stories

And Glass shares the database with Dunn because if he is developing a super team of baddies, what fun would it be without a “Justice/Avengers” group?

Probably just some “Showy” moves, but still...

Either way, respect to the actors that can now shoot better than any of us.  Looks difficult.

I like how your pissed at the police for following the law and returning property since it was not 1) evidence in a crime, or 2) illegal to own. They h\HAVE to return it. I also love all the “The cop would have shot him if he was Antifa” comments. Since apparently no one remembers the cop that took the AR from the guy

Because that is how the law is written. I fully understand your confusion and sadly, that is the only answer I have.

Wow lots of cop-hate here.

Well when you hear “Kid” you normally think a small diminutive person. and from the radio call from the officer, he thought he was about 20.

There is a single game that portrays police in a positive light. Obviously i need to shit on this as i don’t agree and think they are evil. Every game needs to shove that idea down everyone’s throat until they agree with me.

You are right that his was a child, the quotes were to show the contrast in what he was perceived as vs what most people assumed by a basic metal image of someone being called a “kid”. and YES negligence is MUCH different than murder as one shows intent that was mot existent in this case.

We only THINK most of the art is destroyed

They made a decision that the gun was real and they were wrong. That is NOT murder.  

AND the officers immediately ran to him and called out his approximate age as “About 20". the “kid” was really big and appeared to be an adult to the police.

Right, so it wouldn’t be a huge jump for her to start learning about another one after being exposed to it from the show.

But remember, she is the one that demanded Psylocke’s costume be changed to match the original comic book one.  She said she wasn’t when she started the job, doesn’t mean she isn’t now.

I thought the exact same thing.

Well thought out and well written response that doesn’t throw around blame but points out people are being stupid and throwing politics into everything from both sides.  I support this letter and its message.