
You’ve got yourself a night guard to call you own, until you inevitably lose it. 

I use denture tabs to clean mine every day, which is necessary because they are truly disgusting after a night of being repeatedly coated with slimey saliva.

... if things go as they'd should.

Now playing

It’ll be really hard for me to watch a new version of The Storyteller without John Hurt’s familiar narration. My favorite tale by far was the one of the Soldier and Death, whence I believe that headline image comes from.

lol Apple: Putting lipstick on a pig since 1976

**buys figure**

I guess it’s because I’ve been watching his vids for years, but I’m on Team Mark here.

If you actually look into this he states that he reached out to people to allow it to be put on their porch and he offered them money if there was activity. So the people that accepted got greedy and staged their part of it. Mark is no where at fault for the portion that was faked as he didnt even know it until he

Sorry friend, I didn’t realize I was not allowed to have an opinion anymore now that I’m older gamer. 

Am I out of touch, or was this really underwhelming? No, it’s the children who are wrong

I hope I’m not venturing into spoiler territory here, but the thought just occurred to me- If Mr. Glass’s theory about opposite-extreme beings (such as himself and Dunn) holds true, then what would be the opposite of the Beast?

Said it before, saying it again:

Ah yes, the Steph Curry “I totally want to sprain my ankle again” exclusives.

Am I being a bush-league Robin Hood or a total wet blanket when I rally against people buying shit that they don’t want just to charge more money from the person who really does want it?  I have a similar take on sporting event/concert tickets. 

  • Kanye has zero originality

Same. I was thinking he pulled up to help and the person who needed help shot him. Confusing headline is confusing.

In California?

Yeah, I want to low-key call bullshit on the headline, because that wasn’t what happened. “Black Navy Sailor Shot and Killed By Man Attempting to Steal Car” would be accurate, and is still tragic, even though Attempted Thief doesn’t appear to have been acting out of racism, which is what I assumed had happened when I

Rest in peace, Sailor.

Motive?  Acuna didn’t give a fuck and didn’t want to get caught.