
I’d say Mr. Persson sold it at the right time.

But how does being in

I like elements of what we ended up getting, like converting all the trim to gold instead of silver, and the return of the tiara proper, but there’s also elements I’m not big on, namely the sword gauntlets (?), the shape of the wast flaps, and the black bodysuit under the whole thing (and not even the fact that she

The Classic Xbox is PRIME for high level emulation. It executes x86 CPU code and DirectX graphics instructions. Doing MAME style low level emulation, while supremely accurate, would be a huge waste of time for most cases. Sure, it’d mean your Classic Xbox will ONLY be on x86 PC’s but MAME style low level emulation is

How about ou would need a PC from 5-10 years in the future to actually emulate smoothly. Emulation adds a often significant overhead.

someone did not get the joke.

I’m guessing because the earliest Xbox 360 games were also the simplest, and hence easiest to work with?

So did the Gameboy one. It was brilliant!

“Ohhhhhhhhhh. Now I see it.” - Metropolis

“Gawker hires Lois Lane”

I’m glad you guys can poke fun at yourselves.

So...she doxxed his ass?

Alternate headlines for this story:

OH NO!!!!! Your not allowed to have a reasonable opinion or viewpoint!!! What are you doing on the internet you!!!

OH NOES!!! Someone pointed out that you can defend your home from intruders without using a gun! Everyone freak out!!!

batman has explosive batarangs.....should i do that too?

Thnx buddy! Most appreciated.