
Monster Hunter: Nemesis. Is an interesting take on Frankenstien.

100% agree

Nice, which means Wil Wheaton will be getting paid for all the audio books.

Thank you for the heads up but sometimes it sucks to be a pc gamer, we miss some good sales.

Already on my wishlist waiting for the Summer Sale.

I think you automatically took my statements one way that it was not initially meant to mean and just ran with it dude. I was saying that Due Process is expected on one side, but people want to riot (Notice how I never said protest because you are always allowed to protest) before the incident could even be

Thank you for doing this job, it can not be easy. I am sure a lot of things stay with you.

Your using law, I am using logic, I see the confusion. I am saying that it is just as illogical of the justice system to not follow due process as it is to riot about injustice before the justice system even has a chance to work. I hope this clears it up.

I am saying that you can not cherry pick due process. You want it all or nothing. Due process takes time and yes if some people screw up on one part, yes, that needs to be rectified. But you can not spout “DUE PROCESS!!!” out one side of your mouth (Not saying “you” particularly btw since I do not know you), and not

Level 7, every NPC stops and points at you screaming Body Snatcher style

It’s like when my wife tries to explain Grey’s Anatomy to me. Just a bunch of clicks and whistles.

I said nothing about try, I am telling you that if you feel that strongly about it I was giving you an option on how to change it. Many people bitch on the internet and do nothing else. That just appeared to be the best way to solve the issues that you brought up. I apologize for thinking that it was that important to

You know what they say about assumptions...

Whatever you want to disillusion yourself with buddy. Some PDs require a Masters degree to even apply but you keep telling yourself your “Over qualified”

I fully agree. Lethal and Less Lethal weapons need to be separate units.

feathers only

You mean like giving EVERYONE due process? Things like allowing an investigation before violent riots break out? That kind of Due Process? Or is that only for the people that you personally don’t find guilty without knowing all the details?

Here you go, this is your personal best way of changing it. Lets see how much you actually care

Best way to change that right here: