
I say ban his IP from all future games as well.

For what? The property is illegal from the start and not on the criminals property. Sometimes people really forget what the law is made to do, protect the innocent, not the criminals. You may be surprised to learn that the the gas station probably does not want these criminals skimming their customers information.

You can set it up for solar, OR their is an option where it will charge at off peak times from your electric company. This means that you pay less for the power you use.

The biggest scam is “Colored Diamonds” any color used to mean imperfection and they used to only be able to make yellowed diamonds artificially. Now “Canary” diamonds are one of the most popular selling diamond types.

Now playing

I have posted this before, but here is a great breakdown of EVERY main Silent Hill medium. It is a YouTube playlist and can take some time but worth it if you like any of the games or movies.

This was such an interesting show with good potential. I still want to know how the Earth

LMAO, I was thinking about doing this exact same thing. You get a star

Take that back, I loved that show growing up.

Same here, I was all excited but could only make it about 5 or 6 episodes in.

I really wanted more. It felt like the next season would have been much better.

Damn, I wanted to be the first Wanted reference. Well Done.

Now playing

Here is an awesome series on analyzing everything Silent Hill. I HIGHLY recommend watching them all if you have time.

Harley wants to start seeing other people.

I think that is more toy manufacturing than anything else. They like to give moving parts space between them.

NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!!! (although I had hopes for her specifically in that movie)

Unless she isn't an X-Man in the movie, then she can wear anything they want for her own costume.

She wasn't on AOTS for acting, she was their for a pretty comedian, which she was hit or miss with (mostly miss) She was best when just being honest. As a regular actor, she is actually pretty good and I am looking forward to seeing if she can do SciFi action.

Because, lets face it, actors drop this crap ALL the time so why spend a lot of money on making 30 really good ones?

They are too busy making their own movie Meow.

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