
Seriously? I am the first one to make this reference? Okay...

The best part is the notation saying that "Some people have been emailing me saying that it is recognized as a wireless blender, this can be fixed by restarting" LMAO nice touch.

the most intricate thing I ever made with redstone was a tunnel of lanterns, that's it. and it took forever for me. Don't feel bad.

I would say only use leather found from animals that died accidentally in the world. THAT is a challenge.

I eat almost only bread because i have a huge Wheat farm and it works great. But in all honesty, I fee horrible killing the innocent plantlife in the game, So i only eat meat in real life.

Awesome book, even better audiobook.


I was Psyched for this movie until that last scene. Why Donald, Why???


Me after my last Taco Bell visit.

I met an artist at Comic-Con, Drew Blank (cool guy), I asked him if he was doing a all female characters (Marvel and DC) in a ABC book, he said he wasn't at this time. This is awesome, well done.

If it doesn't flex, it breaks. Another term for not flexing when force is applied is being called Brittle.

That is what I am taking away as well. Very unfortunate.

It's not a laptop, it's a portable desktop. Makes me miss my old Alienware.

Not a retelling but I just finished the first book and it was fun.

LMAO, nice.

thank you for this, i also have triple play for the discounts. If i need to rent it anyways, i guess i am stuck with it.

So much awesome here.

I have the same problem, I live in a hilly area where cell service is spotty so i need the hard line. Unfortunately i can't find one that can handle the phone as well. The term "Bent over a barrel" comes to mind.

Well done, I can hear the Rave music when I see that.