
Am I a bad person for wanting a train in the tunnel?

Looks like I have my new Ring Tone...

That's the difference between "should" and "is".

Well said

No Jon Edwards or Long Island Medium? The whole Cold Reading thing annoys me.

I fully agree with this and will contribute to any legal fees if someone goes through with making this happen.

XBMC, Avia, and a playfactory file placed in the proper folder and you can stream any movie or tv show to your television.

From what I see, it looks like the first shots are dead on whether you are down looking down the sight or not, but when you fire multiple rounds, it has a closer grouping when shouldered then when firing from the hip. So I guess story wise it would not be about the scope as much as the position you are holding the

Baby Gumby Groot?

Both of these are very good.

Thats SFX the company

Always sound advice

An oldie but a goodie

I can actually hear the music while watching that Gif

LMAO I was thinking the same thing when I first read that.

In most countries Suppressors are considered a courtesy and not using one while hunting means your a dick. Most states it's just a $200-$400 tax stamp and you can own them legally in the US.

Recently watched this last move. I kind of liked Marky Mark. Just get rid of EVERY OTHER PART OF THE MOVIE, including Emo Optimus, and I will give it another shot.

So its the Minecraft of murder (Just way less fun) . No real point, just go around killing until you die.

Well I assume whatever country you live in could benefit from this tool to keep their soldiers safe.

Can not get more Titan than Gurren Lagann. They throw galaxies at each other!