
True, that is why no smart person uses a term like (Non-Lethal) they are called Less Than Lethal. Using any tool should be done with great care. But if a mortar round falls near you or a loved one on purpose or by accident, I an sure you would rather it be a FB instead of a HE or Shrapnel round. FB deaths are

I do not understand? A soldier is a brave person who is going to do a job whether it is safe or dangerous. Allowing them to accomplish that goal in a safer way so they can come home to their families is only a good thing. Of course if you do not like war/killing, any educated person would be smart enough to look to

I hope you realize the humor that goes with your post when you read your screen name LOL

It does say that the blaster "Stuns" so i believe that it does not go against Jedi Principals.

I absolutely agree.

I guess technically they would see it as being attacked by their delicious food. Having to defend themselves from smart cattle would put a twist on things.

Now playing

And an unofficial degree in lock picking will certainly open lots of doors for you.

Please note that Flashbangs only have a temporary effect that lasts about a minute. These are usually followed up with the more permanent bullets/grenades. But it will allow soldiers to get in closer and be safer so I am all for it.

If you can find an ASUS Cine5, it works really well, I love mine.

Make a HyperSpin machine. It is not hard and you will love it.

I just worry that they will over price items now in the anticipation of negotiating.

i still remember playing the Trogdor game for hours on the site to find all the secrets. So good.

I always liked Enemy Mine and would like to see a new spin on it with a remake. Although while typing this I realize that the current climate may not bode well for it. But still a fun movie.

Not really contributing to the conversation with this but I still love Titan A.E.

I loved this show so much growing up that when I went to Disney as a kid, I bought the official movie poster (the clerk never even heard of the movie), I still own it. I have made my own kids watch it.

We all know Data would have placed first in both and Worf is last and kills everyone starting with Wesley.

Although I think the movie ending was much smarter than the comic book one.

Loved this book

Note: You are forgiven for not liking any of them after #3 and I will understand. But the graphic novels are also pretty good.

I did not think I would like these books, but they are so much fun.