
Audible.com is having a sale on over 300 books.

As someone raised with firearms and multiple friends and family members in the military, I want to comment ONLY on that last video asking about why police don't just "shoot people in the leg". Highly trained Army Rangers and Navy Seals are not even trained to do that because first off, it would be so insanely hard to

For all the Major Payne Gifs. I present you with the Internet, well done.

Has a very "Nightwing" look to it.

Oddly, I considered that while typing it. I realized those are not the people my statement was meant for. Although some may be what it was about...

I would be running up to EVERYONE wearing Google Glass and yelling "OKAY GLASS, VOMIT!!!" and running away.

I bought a Walmart brand El-Cheapo camping mat for very limited usage. The Ozark Trail Self-Inflating Mummy Sleeping Pad for $40 and it is oddly VERY comfortable for that price. I wouldn't go all "Zombie Apocalypse" survival with it, but it was much better than I expected.

Well an unmanned aircraft IS an aircraft. Shouldn't things like military grade UAVs be regulated before some rich D-bag builds one and crashes it somewhere? The fact that the pilot is located somewhere else as the distinction between the two is stupid. Their needs to be a more complex law written.

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I remember watching the movie of Harrison Bergeron as a teen and it really struck me.

Fully agree. appealing to the LCD is really screwing us big time, especially in the school system.

I'd watch that.

If I see "OUR PREFERENCES DO NOT DETERMINE WHAT'S TRUE..." one more time i will go nuts lol.

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We all know the point of these cartoons...

Touche'. Put the purple haired invisible ass kicker on the list.

There was this Artist I saw at NYCC (Drew Blank) who I bought some prints from. He had all these characters, and while I was there another customer asked him if he would make an "Alphabet Book" of characters. I was personally looking for female characters for my 3 daughters (Got WW and BG, but no SuperGirl for my

Not sure if it they would count it since she was just made to look like a woman, but I am counting it.

Wow, awesome oversight +1

Future dystopia indeed

That took me a second, and then I got real sad real fast.