Only one question remains: as hosts of a sandwich podcast, will Baz and Bond cover hot dogs?
Only one question remains: as hosts of a sandwich podcast, will Baz and Bond cover hot dogs?
Every time I see George Stephanopoulous I think they’re talking about George Stroumboupoulous and feel the rush of CanCon adherence. He’d probably be more interesting anyway.
Pretty appropriate headline, if ESPN actually does anything about him he’ll probably just run off to Fox Sports and cry persecution.
...ow. I mean... I know as soon as New Orleans gets a superstar the vultures start circling to get them to a bigger market but “served his time”...
New Orleans fan (yes, we do exist) that’s pulling for Paul here. He deserves all the success (and so does Monty Williams).
She was born the year after they started allowing POC to join in. Seems like there’s not much to link her winning the pageant queen to being an active racist even off the timing alone. Also it wouldn’t surprise me if she was unaware of the ball’s history (but the more I learn about history that isn’t being whitewashed…
Boston’s still staring up at Philly, even with that history.
Yup, they took over the bank I was using, then flipped from “we’ll waive ATM fees” to “not only are we charging them but we’re gonna run up the score on overdraft fees”. And they wonder why I use a credit union now and couldn’t wait to switch to one. (Well, they probably don’t actively wonder about me personally but…
The “south” part’s just a coincidence, but growing up around there, yeah, that’s absolutely part of the state that would look down on other towns for harboring the KKK while repressing their own racist pasts (for instance, it wasn’t until last year that I learned about my hometown having their presence back in the…
Adding on to the other replies, Matt Stonie had a collaboration with them for a limited run of him. I’d assume he was getting a cut because he advertised them himself on his channel:
Directions unclear, baking lemon bowl cookies.
A very special episode of Stump Sohla where her challenge is how to cover these environments without taking down the Babish Culinary Empire.
Yup, the populated areas are really the blue strongholds. Wasn’t surprised this was in Northampton, but ask Adam Jones how he feels about Boston and racism nowadays.
And I believe there’s video of him saying that and shaking to mock Fox, much like Trump did with Serge Kovaleski.
The Times reports that North Dakota State Senator Kyle Davison was “given the draft legislation by Lacee Bjork Anderson, a lobbyist with Odney Public Affairs in Bismarck.
Also, shoutout to whoever is helping curate and purchase arcade machines for Camp David. They seem to have good taste. I can only imagine what other arcade machines populate the base’s arcade.
At least not on the clock.
I’m just gonna assume the Diner Dash games are gonna get No More Love shown to them by EA.