(deleted, posts don’t show up when I try to see them)
(deleted, posts don’t show up when I try to see them)
Don't they have enough VPs? He better not take Tye Dillinger's spot.
Does this mean Nanni has the influence to fix the Shutdown Fullcast's audio?
Yeah, I was going to say I’ve seen eBay listings for those cords calling them that.
Yeah, I was going to say using Massive Attack in the Russian trailer really couldn’t hurt.
“Report: Embarrassing Bad Takemonger Writes About Reports About Embarrassing NBA Franchise Firing Embarrassing GM In Embarrassing Fashion”
I know when I’ve complained about the team being run like crap it’s not entirely for on-court personnel reasons. A bunch of the moves they made were praised, like grabbing Asik, Moore and Hill. But it doesn't matter who they get if they can't *keep the damn players on the court*. The Bensons running the team like a…
Also check out the episode of My Life In Gaming about his work.
Counterpoint: the Lakers can eat shit.
“According to the Journal, serious buyers will go through a blind auction process, and should email Hickey (TrumpBirthHouse@gmail.com) with proof that they’ve already got the money—no financing allowed.”
As much as I would hate to see the team move... fuck it, I'm in on this, especially if it means selling the team to someone who's not going to treat them as the leathery orange appendix of the Saints. They keep getting generational talents and doing absolutely fuck-all with them.
Gven their history, New Orleans should probably just outlaw associations with any Pauls.
Good to see Pervis Rumproast getting some time in the league. I was worried we saw the last of him doing the Nae Nae after leading Mercer to the win over Duke in the NCAA tournament.
That's how it was for me around Boston too. Nothing like saving a few grand and *immediately* spending all the money you have in the bank for an overpriced shoebox.
¿Por que no los dos?
He tweeted something since then that seemed like an explanation of what happened, but then deleted those tweets before I even saw them. The only way I know they exist was Google thinks I need to follow Drew’s activity and had most of one tweet on my homepage.
Verizon has established a decentralized network of Verizon Centers throughout basketball.
I mean, of all the ways Woj could try and uphold Eddie's legacy of blowing himself, this is probably the most acceptable one to do in public.
Read that as “Aroldis Chapman was punished for a defecation attempt” and was trying to figure out when he crossed paths with Najeh Davenport.
Seeing the armada of talking heads getting thirsty to steal Davis from New Orleans feels awesome as a Pelicans fan (yes we exist I followed them from Charlotte it’s not the fault of the players that George Shinn was a creepy fuck). Guarantee if he was on a similarly underachieving team in a bigger market they wouldn’t…