Drinky Bird

the fuck are you talking about? He mixed MORPHINE with ambien. Liquid morphine is unbelievably potent and can cause someone to not feel whats going on and not know whats going on. This comment would be similar to if they said someone sniffed cocaine and took a caffeine pill and focused on the caffeine pill

3. Cribbage

Most game reviewers I've met actually have game burnout after a while. Playing games is fun, playing games, on a strict schedule, where you have to finish a polished, well written, smart, review of the game that you just finished within a time limit, not so much. Especially when you have to do the same for another

Just talked to my brother, and he says there are a number of troublesome First, Second and Fifth Amendment issues here. He's never seen anything like it.

I don't see how anyone can discredit Incognito's legitimacy with what was said here; clearly he's a real offensive lineman.

I was surprised by how passive Slovakia was. It's like they haven't even heard of checks.

Yeah dude good call. Doc definitely needs to learn how to mix up his parlance.

That's Mike Emrick, considered the best hockey announcer ever. There's a lot more to calling a game than a goal call. You should listen to him sometime. He's incredible.

Actually, he's eating them all himself. In a few hours, he plans to get in some good runs.

The fallout occurred when Schiano insisted on bringing his previous staph to Cleveland.

Meanwhile, humiliated Dolphins fans are arriving at the realization that new Browns GM Ray Farmer chose the Browns over Miami in their recent GM search. When a person chooses the Cleveland Browns GM job over your own, you need some real introspection. It's like Lebron taking his talents to South Beach, except exactly

Actually the rumors are linked. When Weeden learned they were bringing in a younger QB in Manning to the organization, he knew it was time for him to leave.

Surely, there are better places with free or discounted meals that don't offer less natural ingredients than a starting infielder for the Yankees. [I reached for that one].

He got even more upset trying to picture his son playing in the NFL while pregnant.

"I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment."

He's not dead, but I bet Jay Cutler is also turning over somewhere.

The Republicans are now doubly angry at this guy. First he produces a gay son, now they find out he out-sources American prostitution jobs to Mexico.

Michael Sam has 2 siblings that were murdered, 1 disappear and declared dead and 2 in prison. I'd be inclined to do the opposite of whatever the hell dad Sam Sr. says.

Yes, that's exactly the reason, and not because he ripped off this:

If you go to the Jeffersonville Outlet mall, you could probably see these two working at the Flying J.