Drinky Bird

On the one hand, it’s pretty clear that nobody really planned out extensive character arcs for the leads from the outset, not even for Rey.

While I overall liked TROS, this has all been just a monumental exercise/case study in how not to do franchise films in this day and age.

Of course it is. Because even that needs to be unoriginal. Look, if this were the only pace of fanservice, or one of a few inconsequential ones in the movie it would be fine. But when the entire movie seems to be an exercise in proving that you refuse to do anything new, this is just piling on.

I was a bit high when I saw Dunkirk, rarely smoke, and got freaked out when I realized I was watching the same events unfold three times.

It definitely seems like they wrote a bunch of “wouldn’t this be cool” episodes first then came up with.....whatever the story actually is.

Quite a few funny moments from star warns fans in this episode.

6.5/10 overall, but definitely the weakest episode of the show so far. I probably would have even gone as low as 4, if not for the ending. The strobing didn’t help my enjoyment of the episode at all, though Mando “stalking” his prey was sorta cool.

Jesus, give it a fucking rest already.

Why The Rise of Skywalker Revealed Two of Its Villainous Secrets in the Trailers

Do you know why they used a grandchildren of an original Ghostbuster? Because I wouldn’t have felt nearly old enough had they only used his child.

Topher has Dr. Manhattan powers, doesn’t he? He was making the manor out of those floating bricks earlier in the series, and something about the making of the waffles tells me that the kids have been consuming parts of what he has created for a while now...which also might mean Angela has as well. Them seeing him

True, but still, once you hit a point as high as Fury Road, where do you go from there? I mean on the rare occasion when I do something really well, I’m always hesitant to try again just out of fear it won’t be as good as the previous effort. So it’s probably just me projecting, anyway.

I sort of wish he wouldn’t. Perfect or near-perfect films come along very rarely. Blade Runner is one. Mad Max: Fury Road is another. I’d rather not have another Mad Max at all than have one that just doesn’t hit that bullseye again.

The real change is... ON THE INSIDE.

What I don’t get is how this woman claims getting the bike “changed her.” There is no visible way in which she has changed over the year. She was already thin and toned. I guess she just gets up earlier now?


YES. Just when you thought this show couldn’t be any better. And it cemented my head-canon thought that Baby Yoda’s Mandalorian is a future incarnation of Jason Mendoza.

Was that Pillboi as a villager?!

I’m a Chicago Bulls fan. How was everyone’s Fourth?

It’s almost like she can shrink and expand her size at will.