Your double standard is showing

I met John Ritter in a bar and he asked me to hold his beer. Then he immediately yelled, "BARTENDER! THIS KID IS GETTING DRUNK OVER HERE!!", which made everyone in the bar turn and look, and me blush like crazy (I was 11). Then he bought me a water... which, errm.. was free. Because water. Also because open bar..

Better late than never, and most definitely should've posted this story sooner but here it goes. I do promise this will make you smile.

No you are, sweetie. I'm assuming you are male, according to your screen name. It would explain your complete lack of reading comprehension skills.

I didn't zing any "moderate" Muslims. Plenty of Muslims don't stone women to death, but that does not mean this is not straight from Islamic law. Muslims might drink, fornicate, and eat pork too—that doesn't change the actual laws.

I can assure you this is not a funny joke. Nothing is funny about a woman buried in dirt up to her chest, while people throw rocks at her head until her skull is crushed and she bleeds to death slowly. For something civilized people don't even think of as a crime in 2015.

None of this has anything to do with Islam.

As someone about to start disability leave because i am SUICIDAL I say fuck this fucking guy.

PROTIP: Rational, educated adults understand that a porn career is not necessarily a sign of bad character or perverted tendencies, and should have no bearing on one's present career and employment.

My kid is allergic to peanuts!

That's the thing that I still can't figure out. I understand the Jenny McArthys of the world and random people online who spout crazy.

I think it tends to happen in reverse. It's not that people necessary have every porn star they've seen committed to memory. It's more like, you're fapping away to some video on Pornhub and suddenly notice, "Holy crap, that's Jodi from personnel!"

To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Thank you. If someone who worked in porn before came into my office to interview for a job, the odds that I'd "recognize" them would be slim to none. If I happened to think, "oh, she looks like an adult performer X" I STILL wouldn't say anything. As long as her credentials were legit and she fit the office dynamic,

Doing porn as an adult seems to be the equivalent of picking your nose as a kid. Is it illegal? No. Is everyone a hypocrite if they make you feel like a freak for it? Probably. Will it give you a reputation you may never live down? Yeah, unfortunately it probably will.

"Arson, bombings, chemical attacks, stalking, physical violence, gunfire."

Thanks for the label, we thought it was a Fifty Shades omnibus.

Just a public service announcement to you over sensitive feminists out there looking for men to hate...

Some guy on a wedding comment thread, criticizing women for not being like the kind of men he likes, and declaring that "men rulez, girlz drool!" has the gall to call someone's husband "gay"??

Whatever. You were trolling on this article's thread. Cut the shit, baby.