Your double standard is showing

Get the fuck over yourself.

We don't all have the time that is apparently available to you to compose original content.

I wouldn't have said anything like that until at least high school. I was kind of a reserved middle schooler. I didn't learn to truly hate ignorant people like yourself until a little later.

Public schools, such as the university of virginia, are not private institutions.

Tehehehe. You're so cute and FUNNY. Keep talking.

Yeah you're so funny and cute. Tehehehe. LOLZ.

I feel bad for you.

I cannot believe that in this day and age someone could be so ignorant.

This. Congratulatory masturbation and high fiving each other over well played reaction gifs does not a feminist make.

No. I just think you're a fucking idiot. I can see how you would get those confused since it probably happens to you a bunch in real life (hence why you cultivate a presence here) and because it's convenient for you to dismiss anyone who calls you on it.

"women should have the right to handle their assault in whatever way they feel comfortable."

So if I don't quote the piece in full it doesn't count and thus the point doesn't exist? Wow.

I'm not. You appear to have confused me thinking that your online persona is annoying and idiotic with me being angry. They are not the same thing.

You forgot to add the sentence that comes before that. Which specifically mentions being against mandated judicial action.

Because I'm such a spaz right? I get it. Way to stick to the middle school persona.

Is your mom proud of all that you've accomplished? That is, cultivate a presence on a website designed for freshmen in college who've just taken a women's studies course and don't know how obnoxious they sound to the rest of the world yet?

It would be funny if someone like you met someone who is actually a feminist and who does actual work supporting the expansion of women's rights globally.

Apparently not. Hence why i'm writing a sentence in English right now.

"why are the majority of men so apathetic to victims of rape,"

"College girls who are raped don't want to be dragged either legally or personally. They don't want to "ruin the life" of a "good kid" when "stuff just got out of hand." For the most part, they just want to not have to look at their rapist when they go to class."