Your double standard is showing

But that woman sure chose her shitty boyfriend over her kids. All together now: "Fuck her."

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

It is SO hard for me to subscribe to this theory. I want to be generous of spirit and forgiving, but my sympathy well is close to dry. It's hard for a child to accidentally get burned, repeatedly, and burns are exceedingly painful and scary. If the moms are, for whatever reason, unable to protect their children, maybe

So why weren't the shitty parents on trial as well?

The parents are worse.

If you don't ever want children a vasectomy is a fairly easy procedure and can even be reversed should you change your mind.

I'd be perfectly content if I was infertile (I'm a guy, BTW). Then I wouldn't have to worry about having a kid, which is good, seeing as though I don't want any. ;) Maybe I should eat some plastic.

Meh. Not like we actually need more humans.

Let's pass a law to punch all anti-vaxxers in the throat. And then take away their children so they can grow up in families where people actually care about their health.

It's a small world after all

It's a great thing that racism and racist views are instantly discarded. You are just exposing your ignorance to the world. You're doing a pretty good job at it.

You're extremely racist. Quite sad how society has shaped you up.

Sounds like you upset a few hypersensitive readers. I, for one, agree with you entirely. We're turning something that has been a nonissue for years back into an issue. Everyone is so into self-victimization nowadays that it makes me want to head over to a country that isn't full of race-baiting crybabies.

I'm actually South Dominican, but thank you for proving that racism is alive and well.

In today's hypersensitive sjw world, I think talking about 'race' is ultimately a terrible, terrible thing.

I have mixed feelings about instilling "strong" pride and establishing identities based on culture. There's a certain inevitability towards tribalism with that makes me uneasy. I say this being mixed race (various asian and caucasian) myself, growing up never quite fully assimilating into social groups that majorly

That's junk science.

It might take some time, but the phrase "people of color" is going to sound backward/offensive as hell in about 20 years. It's just "colored" for a a new generation.