Your double standard is showing

And if she is from Seattle her precious snowflake will also be a vegan, gluten intolerant, dairy free/soy free genius. Mummy will be married to her emasculated bearded yet incredibly metrosexual wimpy husband and baby will be called Sapphire or Rainbow :)

You know, after I announced my plans to remain childfree to my family, once the initial stupidity had died down ("are you a lesbian?" "why are you doing this to your poor parents?" "you'll change your mind one day" "you just don't know what you want in life yet") I encountered this type of woman with an alarming

Little Janie isn't actually celiac, she's just gluten sensitive.

It's ok, In 2 years, she'll have a Mommy blog about her snowflake child who can't process the complex sugars in refined carbohydrates and is allergic to the colour red.

So, the menz are right! Women of menstruating age shouldn't hold office, drive, or do anything, really (besides hanging out in the menstrual tent) because it's just too much to bear.

Feminists in the 70s were intent on asserting that there is no difference between men and women, and they wanted to overcome the stereotype that women are so affected by our menses that we can't be trusted with important jobs. So they did their best to erase the topic from the dialogue

No Facebook for me.

Till he says it's OK to use condoms (at the very minimum) I won't be impressed.

Good. Fuck any fan leaving close games early (see also: Heat fans leaving at the end of Game 6 in the 2013 Finals. And gray-zone commentators, 16 points is not insurmountable as we just saw). As far as I'm concerned, don't come back. You came with the intent to stay for a full game, where you gotta be to leave early?

It took them three hits with the sword, and she was given nothing to dull the pain, such as painkillers. But that sounds really humane! Fuck western racism!!!

"I'm no scholar..."

I've been saying this for years! I refer to them as Talibangelists.

OH, FOR...

Right? Christian evangelicals have more in common with radical Muslims than they'd like to admit.

The Unsolved Mysteries theme song, to this day, completely unnerves me. Like, I want to go around my house and check all the locks on the windows and the doors.

You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a Penn State fan.

A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.

Penn State football has been on a roll these past few weeks. The team notched a bowl victory, Paterno got his wins back, and over the holidays the JoePa statue got that Red Ryder BB gun he wanted.

Truly today is a great victory for anyone who's ever assisted in the cover-up for a chronic sexual predator.