Your double standard is showing

Yeah. So much funnier than the Jaws thing.

And yet, in 2015, dumb young women everywhere are shrugging their shoulders when they have unprotected sex, and deciding that the best option is bring the fetus to term.

Republican women, the majority of Alabama registered voters.

Right. So keep on having kids, because that's the answer, poor, women.

Last I checked, people in Alabama vote. And most of those voters are women.

But, what would they do with all that misplaced pride in the shithole they're from?

Cause they have a gun to their head, right?

Jesus as if anyone needed another reason to leave Alabama.

Whatever. They all look the same to Kara.

Whatever. They all look the same to Kara.

You're talking about her roots, right?

Whatever. They all look the same to Kara.

Whatever. They all look the same to Kara.

Right, because hookers wasting money on shoes and handbags makes for a much better world.


What's laughable is that you spent money and time reading those books.

Yeah. You sound disinterested.

Here we go. Another pro-vaccination article by ideologues that shill for Big Pharma rather than thinking critically for just one second about concerned parents and their right to choose what is healthy for their children. It's their right alone to decide how they care for their children and I wish people would take a

Perhaps she should have chosen a method that wasn't identical.

Like you'd expect anything different from this classy bunch?