Your double standard is showing

This is perfectly acceptable.

You must be a heterosexual womean.

hypocrite. Do you cry for circumcised boys?

"taken by her parents" being the key phrase.

She has a healthy attitude about men. She's what's known as a 'feminist'.

omg omg omg omg.

I'm easily amused, so that was not only worth my time, but amusing.

Yes, indeed, because who doesn't love the persistent, overwhelming stench of ammonia??


He's a republican politician. Nothing surprising here.

"Oh look, kids! She's presenting."

Is Pan -European a thing? Do blacks see whites coming from a pan-European culture?

And there is wide variance amonst their population. They deal with their own forms of racism, like some aren't black enough and the Cosby critique.

hearing a white person talk about their race is absurd.

Brilliant. I'm only about 23 different ethnicities.

Right, because we aren't exposed to this twangy doofus enough.

Whats her talent, again? Oh, yeah. Ignorance and failed marriages.

Believe me, he's wondering the same thing.

Speak for yourself.

I see it as a failure that they need an invisible friend to tell them to do what's obvious: Returning money that isn't yours befire you're arrested and prosecuted.