Your double standard is showing

Yeah. you're right. Chemical dependency is a myth.

With that logic, they should make it twerk, too.

What does your daughter have to do with anything?


Your post is an example of a flawless post.

You had another? Jesus

Try digging a ditch

And what's te mechanism for this? What is the physiological a reaction you're having? Cite a source where I can learn about the research done that explains the mechanism for what you experience. I'm extremely curious about this and I can find nothing legitimate online.


You said it, not me.

Get some perspective for Christ's sake. Children in Mumbai are huffing glue because they're starving.

You just explained women. Try finding one that is content.

is her name Jackie?

Models are important because they teach us how to dress and what types of bodies are acceptable. I think holding models in high esteem is healthy.

Well, as long as it's a cute animal doing something, I'm all for it, because I'm a woman.

Good idea. You should just distort the truth, instead. Admitting there might actually be differences between men and women would make you misogynist.

Talk about farts if you want to. As a man, I don't give a shit how much of a slob you are.

Thank a feminist for it being weird and taboo. Remember: your exactly equal in every way to a man, so suck it up.

You sound like a misogynist.

Too late. This blog is public.