Your double standard is showing

You have women explaining they're incapacitated, and you're pleading for equality?

And we call those women feminists

No they wouldn't, because the world would be run by emotionally secure and logical women.

Yeah. We learn to lie to women early.

Your can do anything a man can do. Stop being a misogynist.

Tough shit. Pick up a gun and go fight a war or run a billion dollar organization. You're exactly equal to men in every way.

We understand it, and often point this as a reason for disparities.

And yet it's shocking the world is run by men.

If I was a woman, I would find this adorable. Because women find small pets adorable.

Only if your kid's anxiety ridden and dumb

Including not retiring during Obama's administration.

Curly hair is ugly.

I'm sure this is an educated, upwardly mobile couple, whom make sound financial decisions.

im sure she's not a lesbian, from an era where that was illegal.

It's a shame women are all too eager to be paid for this.

yes, run along. Your next mistake is waiting for you

Right. MY disregard for YOUR physical assault.

You should have stuck around.

Seriously. What the appeal? Political stupidity and pictures of distant friends and relatives ugly kids?

I never get over the amusement of childish adults lying to their SO's face rather than just ending the relationship.