Your double standard is showing

That's fantastic. May I borrow it?

Guys masturbate and think nothing of it.

You have to attempt murder on your child twice before CPS will take your kids; Just ask all the dead ones

Sorry, but what the hell is with the Coke assembly line animation in the background??! I couldn't foucs on a damm thing he was saying because I was apparently being marketed to by Coca-Cola. What with the carnival of brands behind his head? Could they not paper over the widows in the studio??

Yeah. As a 35 year old man, I concur. Hated and still hate that theme.

....and in other news, Jerry Sandusrky has been released early for good behavior. He'll be rejoining his charity in an administrative capacity...

I'really like to know why her ass- er, her face tast- umm, looks like.

Fucking Magic.

The Aztec God Quetzalcoatl.

You're dogmatic about Poseidon not existing. How irrational of you to claim with such certainty that Poseidon doesn't exist.

What's a deity? What characteristics does it have?

If you're not sure, you're not sure.

How do you know its unknowable? That's a hell of a claim to make.

He can't construct a valid syllagism and you have respect him?

Fuck CS Lewis.

Depends what you mean by God.

I'll watch cspan all day over the fucking shit on every other channel.

thats show is an embarrassment to women.

Your choice has been removed from you when you have the wrong information.

He was cool with slavery. Read your fucking bible.