
Florence Pugh is a very good actress” is hardly a take so improbable that her publicist would have to be behind it.

I mean, this review is hardly an outsider in its characterization of both Pugh and the movie itself. The Guardian, USA Today, IndieWire, Deadline, Daily Beast and The Hollywood Reporter all have some version of this same sentiment in their reviews: The movie has serious flaws but Pugh herself is very good in it. So

Well, at least New AV Club is continuing the Old AV Club tradition of hyping some random movie to the hilt only to ultimately give it a C-.

I don’t mean to be rude, but these reviews are the worst....snarky recaps with almost no substance and numerous incorrect inferences. Anyone have a recommendation for true reviews of the episodes?

I’d love to see her review of the first Blackadder series, with scenes like Blackadder giving his ten year old wife some milk before bed.

the king seems content in his marriage (to, I will stress once again, an underage girl)

I consider myself a Tolkien fanboy and overall I am very impressed. A lot of the people with hate-boners for this show don’t really care about Tolkien they just want to be apart of a culture war.

Well, all I can say is I’m glad I’m not a Tolkien fanboy, so I can enjoy the show for what it is rather than grinding my teeth and tearing my clothes apart at every perceived slight of the author’s memory.

I’m weirdly sorry to see Moffat go.  He consistently made me laugh.  Athari was funny when they allowed him to speak, but I guess he wanted to be able to speak more than once a year.  My feelings on Villasenor are well documented.  I think’s talented at what she does, but impressions are only so funny after a while,

I mean, the show open took like 3 minutes to get through last season because the cast list was so incredibly long.

Melissa Villasenor wasn’t a shock, given how vocal she was about not getting airtime last summer. Maybe she made enough money off those JC Penney commercials that she feels comfortable moving on. Alex Moffat is a funny guy, but he seems destined to play generic 4th lead in a few movies, then do a sitcom that flops.

Oh, I liked Aristotle. :( Was hoping he’d see more time next season.

In news tangentially related to SNL, Sarah Palin lost Alaska’s congressional election.

It certainly adds another level of detail to reports that Pugh and Wilde were not exactly the best of friends on set, and the fact that Pugh didn’t seem to do much press in support of the film’s release.

Trying to capitalize off the abuse that Shia LeBouf committed for brownie points, then getting immediately called out is a pretty rough look for Olivia Wilde.

I don’t think they really listen to one another, they just like to hear themselves bla bla bla.

I feel bad for Florence Pugh honestly.

Beyond further proving Olivia Wilde is incapable of not straddling a fence on an issue or a topic even dealing with actors, yikes to the Florence Pugh comments in this one

It’s entirely possible - likely, even - that there are no good guys in this particular incident, but I don’t doubt for a minute that warring factions will be only too happy to celebrate the one and denigrate the other.

We pinky promised. That means something in my house.”