You lost your nerd cred. That's tuxedo mask with sailor moon.
You lost your nerd cred. That's tuxedo mask with sailor moon.
Except for the John Williams diss, but nobody's perfect.
Its worth noting that these are short diary entries he wrote all the time. So some of the items are not really out of context, but of a certain time. For example he wrote that thing about Daniel Radcliffe while filming the first movie(I believe). He later has entries of going to lunch with him as an adult and how much…
“Hideous score by John Williams”?!?
I honestly feel like a good amount of progress has been made on that front. There’s still a long way to go, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the last time Queer as Folk was relevant.
I’m sad for the actors and crew, but the show was badly written and suffered from the same problem as the “Tales of the City” reboot (sequel?). It shoehorned in too many flavors of young, impossibly-attractive, multi-hyphenate representational characters who don’t exist anywhere but in the minds of virtue-signaling ube…
These shows absolutely have their place, but I’m looking forward to us moving away from queer media based on very niche and specific groups of gay men/women/enbies, and having us just be main characters in mainstream stories that rely on plot points besides our sexuality, and community.
. . . it’s totally OK if that’s how you want to spend your time?
I thought this episode was hilarious. That “You don’t like Avongers? We’ve got Avingers” line is like peak Futurama quality. I remain mystified by people who aren’t able to key into the humor of the series. It’s more laugh out loud funny than a lot of sitcoms I’ve seen. It wouldn’t stand against anything truly great,…
Ginger Gonzaga’s Mandarin is better than any of the Firefly cast, or any Mandarin spoken by a non-Asian actor I can think of for that matter.
I found this episode hilarious and that’s all I really ask for.
::reads comments::
She was a *GREAT* joke of a person.
There’s a rich lineage of beloved TV characters that, if you were in a room with them IRL, would make you tear out your own eyes just for something to plug your ears with.
Easily the best thing about this entire slate of announcements.
“using the same aesthetics that have turned the MCU into a pile of green and purple mush”
nothing in their presentation stood out. Ant-Man, Ironheart, Armor Wars, and Captain America: New World Order
I wouldn’t say he’s passionless, although his movies are.